陳彥綺 助理教授
研究室:六藝樓 S411A-3
電話:(02)3322-2777 #6562
Email: yenchi@ntub.edu.tw
| Education(學歷) | Experience(經歷) | Journal Paper(期刊論文) | Conference Paper(研討會論文) | Else(其它) |
國立臺北大學 會計學系博士
- 銘傳大學 會計系專任助理教授
- 陸程通運有限公司 帳務顧問
- 叡揚資訊股份有限公司 專員
- 證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 研究人員
Journal Paper(期刊論文)
Chih-Hao Yang, Yen-Chi Chen, Wei Hsu and Yu-Hui Chen. 2023. Evaluation of smart long-term care information strategy portfolio decision model: The national healthcare environment in Taiwan. Annals of Operations Research (SSCI, 國科會管理學門推薦期刊 )
Yen-Chi Chen and Hsuan-Lien Chu. 2020. Empirical research on the function of compensation committees: the influence of family control and professional managers. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 27(1): 51-70. (SSCI, 國科會國際會計期刊分級: A-)
朱炫璉、陳彥綺、 劉乃熒與王慧君,2017,自願性與強制性設置薪酬委員會對高階經理人薪酬績效敏感性之影響,中華會計學刊,13(2):269-307。(TSSCI)
Weitzu Chen, Chia-Hsin Chiang, Yen-Chi Chen, and Chia-Wei Tai. 2016. Managerial Incentives in the Choice of Valuation Methods for Long-lived Assets during the IFRS Adoption Period. Taiwan Accounting Review 12(2): 193-230. (TSSCI)
朱炫璉、劉乃熒、 陳彥綺與吳品萱,2016, 薪酬委員會品質,高階經理人現金紅利薪酬與企業績效關聯性之研究,當代會計,17(1): 63-89。(TSSCI)
廖益興,陳彥綺與王貞靜,2011,年報資訊揭露與資訊不對稱: 來自私有資訊交易之證據,經濟研究,47(1):45-96。(TSSCI)
Conference Paper(研討會論文)
Chen Xin, Yen-Chi Chen, Hsuan-Lien Chu, and Tsang Albert. 2024. Handedness and CEO Compensation. American Accounting Association Annual Meeting (AAA), Washington, DC.
Hsuan-Lien Chu, and Yen-Chi Chen. 2018. Empirical Research on the Function of Compensation Committees- the Influence of Family Control and Professional Managers. Taiwan Accounting Association Annual Conference and Asian Accounting Associations Conference (TAA), National Chengchi University.
Hsuan-Lien Chu, and Yen-Chi Chen. The impact of quality of compensation committees on the relation between manager’s ability and compensation. 2016. Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA), Taipei, Taiwan.
Hsuan-Lien Chu, and Yen-Chi Chen and Nai-Yng Liu. The Impact of IAS 2 on the Relationship between Inventory Management Ability and Financial Performance of Companies in Taiwan. 2014. Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA), Bangkok, Thailand.
Weitzu Chen, Chia-Hsin Chiang, Yen-Chi Chen, and Chia-Wei Tai. Managerial Incentives in the Choice for Long-Lived Assets during the IFRS Adoption Period. 2013. Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA), Bali, Indonesia.
高階經理人特質與薪酬的關聯性: 左撇子所扮演之角色,2022/08/01~2023/07/31,MOST 111-2410-H-130-056。