Yen, Yi-Yin|Associate Professor
Lab: Lui-Yi Bldg. S412B-3
Tel: (02)2322-6567|Fax: (02)2322-6369
Research Field: Financial Accounting / Internal Control and Audit / Stock Market
- Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting, National Taipei University
- Master of Business Administration, National Dong Hwa University
- Bachelor of Business Administration, National Chengchi University
- Intermediate Accounting
- Financial Management
- System and Practice of Securities Market
Associate Professor, Department of Accounting Information, National Taipei University of Business
Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting Information, National Taipei University of Business
Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, Chung Yuan Christian University
Lecturer, Department of Accounting, Chung Yuan Christian University
Auditor, Securities and Futures Bureau, Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan
Officer, Specialist, Auditor, Securities and Futures Commission, Ministry of Finance
Journal Paper
Shiue, F. J., and Yen, Y. Y.* (2017). How International Competitiveness Moderates the Relationship between Corporate Governance and Seasoned Equity Offering Underpricing. Corporate Ownership & Control, 14(4-1): 314-327 (NSC RankC; EconLit; ABS list). doi:10.22495/cocv14i4c1art13
Yen, Y. Y.*, and Sun, J. H. (2014). How Intellectual Capital Mediates the Relationship between Configuration in China and Operating Performance: The S-Curve Hypothesis. Journal of Contemporary Accounting, 15(1): 93-138 (in Chinese).
Yen, Y. Y.*, and Lee, C. Y. (2013). The Effects of Government Industrial Innovation Policy on the Accumulation of Intellectual Capital and Performance: An Empirical Study of R&D and Personnel Training. Journal of Management & Systems, 20(4): 755-791 (in Chinese) (TSSCI).
Yen, Y. Y.*, and Han, C. S. (2012). The Moderating Effects of Corporation Credit Risk Index on the Influence of Intellectual Capital on Business Value. Soochow Journal of Economics and Business, 77(June 2012): 53-90 (in Chinese).
Yen Y. Y.*, Lin, M. Q., and Li, P. Y. (2011). Host-Country Experience, Location Strategy and Investment Performance: An Empirical Study of Taiwan IT Companies in China. African Journal of Business Management, 5(24): 10067-10079 (SSCI, Impact factor: 1.105 in 2009).
Yen, Y. Y.*, and Lin, Y. P. (2010). Board Characteristics, Industrial Clustering and Corporate Performance: An Empirical Study of Taiwan IT Companies Listed on the TSEC and OTC Investing in China. Journal of National Taipei University of Business, 17: 23-39 (in Chinese).
Yen, Y. Y., Shiue, F. J., Huang, H. C., and Chung, K. C.*(2009). Industrial Clustering and Operating Performance: An Empirical Case of Taiwan IT Industry’s Investments in China. Journal of Management & Systems, 16(3): 373-396 (in Chinese) (TSSCI).
Wang, L. F., and Yen, Y. Y.* (2009). Corporate Governance, Industry Clustering and Corporate Performance. The Business Review, Cambridge, 12(1): 227-234 (focus on ownership structure) (ABI/INFORM).
Lin, M. Q.*, Yen, Y. Y., and Chen, H. F. (2008). Corporate Governance, Financial Health and Business Values: An Empirical Study with Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines. Sun Yat-sen Management Review, 16(4): 779-816 (in Chinese) (TSSCI).
Shiue, F. J., and Yen, Y. Y. * (2007). An Empirical Examination of the Association between Manufacturing Decisions and Performance Evaluation: Evidence from Taiwanese Listed Electronic Firms. Multinational Enterprises and Emerging Challenges of the 21st Century, Edward Elgar Publishing Heatherley House, UK. (Edited by John Dunning and Tsai-Mei Lin), pp.367-386.
Shiue, F. J., Chung, K. C.*, and Yen, Y. Y. (2005). An Empirical Study on the Association between China Investment Location and Financial and Operating Performance of Taiwanese Listing Electronics Corporations. The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge (ABI/INFORM), 7(2): 105-116.
Lee, J. Z., and Yen, Y. Y. (2005). Determinants of the Project-Audit Fees on the Internal Control Systems for Initial Public Offerings Companies. Journal of Contemporary Accounting, 6(1): 61-88 (in Chinese).
Yen, Y. Y.* (2003). Corporate Governance: The Internal Control Perspective. Budget, Accounting and Statistics Monthly, 576: 49-59 (in Chinese).
Yen, Y. Y.* (2000). Internal Control System Statements of Companies Listed on the TSEC and OTC and CPA Special Audit Reports of Internal Control Systems. Internal Auditor, 34: 34-36 (in Chinese).
Wang, Y. H., Chou, C. Y., and Yen, Y. Y.* (2000). Prediction of Financial Distress, Internal Auditor, 33: 14-23 (in Chinese).
Yen, Y. Y.* (2000). Summary Reports of Materially Defective Internal Control Systems of Companies Listed on the TSEC and OTC Based on Their Self-Assessments in 1999. Securities and Futures Management Monthly, 18(9): 24-26 (in Chinese).
Yen, Y. Y.* (1999). Summary Reports of Materially Defective Internal Control Systems of Companies Listed on the TSEC and OTC Based on Their Self-Assessments in 1998. Securities and Futures Management Monthly, 17(10): 29-31 (in Chinese).
(18) Yen, Y. Y.* (1998). A Brief Analysis of New Version “Guidelines for Establishment of Internal Control Systems by Public Companies”. Securities and Futures Management Monthly, 16(9): 28-30 (in Chinese).
Conference Paper
Tong, Y. L., and Yen, Y. Y.* (2013). Intellectual Capital, Internationalization and Firm Performance: The Empirical Study of MNCs. 2013 Accounting Trends & Education Conference, Chinese Culture University, May 10, 2013 (in Chinese).
Yen, Y. Y., and Sun, J. H.*(2013). Configuration in China and Operating Performance: The Mediating Effects of Intellectual Capital. 2013 “Contemporary Accounting” Cross-Strait Accounting Issues Conference, Tamkang University, Jan. 14, 2013 (in Chinese).
Yen, Y. Y.*, and Sun, J. H. (2012). Investing in China and Performance: A Perspective on Intellectual Capital of Taiwanese Firms. The 10th New Century High-Quality Corporate Philosophy and Value Creation Conference, Fu Jen Catholic University, Dec. 29, 2012 (in Chinese).
Lee, C. Y., and Yen, Y. Y.* (2011). The Effects of Government Incentive Policies on Corporate R&D Innovation, Personnel Training, and Performance: An Empirical Study of Companies Listed on the TSEC and OTC. Alliance between Schools – 2011 Emerging Issues in Accounting Forum Conference, National Taipei College of Business, Jun. 3, 2011 (in Chinese).
Yen, Y. Y.*, Han, C. S., and Lin, M. Q. (2011). The Moderating Effects of Corporation Credit Risk Index on the Influence of Intellectual Capital on Business Value. 2011 Accounting Trends & Education Conference, Chinese Culture University, May 13, 2011 (in Chinese).
Yen, Y. Y., Chang, H. H.*, and Lin, M. Q. (2010). The Moderating Effects of Internationalization on Intellectual Capital and Firm Value. 2010 Accounting Theory and Practice Conference, Tamkang University, Dec. 9-10, 2010 (in Chinese).
Yen, Y. Y., Chang, H. H.*, and Lin, M. Q. (2010). The Moderating Effects of Internationalization on Intellectual Capital and Firm Value. 2010 Emerging Issues in Accounting Forum Conference, National Taipei College of Business, Nov. 17, 2010 (in Chinese).
Shiue, F. J.*, and Yen, Y. Y. (2010). Investment Configuration, Industrial Clustering and Investment Performance: The Moderating Effect of Financial Health. 2010 American Accounting Association, Annual Meeting of the Western Region, Portland, Oregon, Apr. 29-May 1, 2010.
Yen, Y. Y.*, Li, P. Y., and Lin, M. Q. (2009). Host Country Experience, Cluster Selecting Strategy and Investment Performance: An Empirical Study of Taiwanese IT Industry Investing in China. 2009 Taiwan Accounting Association Annual Meeting, National Cheng Kung University, Dec. 10-11, 2009 (in Chinese).
Yen, Y. Y. *, Wang, S. C. Lin, C. L., and Lin, Y. P. (2008). Board Characteristics, Industrial Clustering and Corporate Performance: An Empirical Study of Taiwan IT Companies Listed on the TSEC and OTC to Invest in China. The 18th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, Association for Chinese Management Educators (ACME) 2008 Annual Meeting in Toronto, Canada, Jul. 24-26, 2008 (NSC96-2416-H-141-012-).
Chung, K. C., Yen, Y. Y., and Shiue, F. J. (2008). Overseas Investment and Performance: The Case of Taiwan’s Electronics Industry. The 7th China Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting and Academic Conference, Takming University of Science and Technology, Jun. 13, 2008 (in Chinese).
Yen, Y. Y., Lin, C. L., Chung, K. C.*, and Lin, Y. P. (2008). Board Characteristics, Industrial Clustering and Corporate Performance: An Empirical Study of Taiwan IT Companies Listed on the TSEC and OTC to Invest in China. 2008 Alliance and Collaboration between Schools in Accounting Conference, National Taipei College of Business, Jun. 6, 2008 (in Chinese).
Yen, Y. Y.*, Lin, C. L., Chung, K. C., and Lin, Y. P. (2008). Board Structure, Industrial Clustering and Corporate Performance: An Empirical Study of Taiwan IT Companies Listed on the TSEC and OTC to Invest in China. 2008 International Academic Conference-Management Section, Ming Chuan University, Mar. 14, 2008 (in Chinese).
Chung, K. C., Yen, Y. Y.*, and Shiue, F. J. (2008). Internationalization and Firm Performance: Evidence from Electronics Firms in Taiwan. 2008 International Academic Conference-Management Section, Ming Chuan University, Mar. 14, 2008 (in Chinese).
Yen, Y. Y., Chung, K. C.*, Shiue, F. J., and Huang, H. C. (2007). Direct Investment in China and Firm Performance: Evidence from Taiwanese Electronics Firms. 2007 Chinese Society for Management of Technology Annual Meeting and Thesis Conference, Feng Chia University, Dec. 14-15, 2007 (in Chinese).
Yen, Y. Y., Chung, K. C.*, Shiue, F. J., and Huang, H. C. (2007). Inward FDI and Firm Performance: Evidence from Publicly Listed Firms in Taiwan. The 6th NTCB Academic Forum - “Global Business Environment and Operation” Conference, National Taipei College of Business, Dec. 7, 2007 (in Chinese).
Yen, Y. Y., Chung, K. C.*, Shiue, F. J., and Huang, H. C. (2007). Direct Investment in China and Firm Performance: Evidence from Taiwanese Electronics Firms. 2007 Accounting Theory and Practice Conference, National Taipei University, Nov. 8-9, 2007 (in Chinese).
Yen, Y. Y., Chung, K. C.*, Shiue, F. J., and Huang, H. C. (2007). Inward FDI and Firm Performance: Evidence from Publicly Listed Firms in Taiwan. New Paradigms of Management -The 6th Annual Academic Conference, 2007, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Nov. 2, 2007 (in Chinese).
Yen, Y. Y., Chung, K. C.*, Shiue, F. J., and Huang, H. C. (2007). An Empirical Study of Foreign Direct Investment and Firm Performance: The Case of Taiwan’s Electronics Industry. 2007 Business Management Conference, National Taipei University of Technology, Jun. 16, 2007 (in Chinese).
Chung, K. C.*, Yen, Y. Y., Shiue, F. J., and Huang, H. C. (2007). An Empirical Analysis of Internationalization and Financial Performance: The S-Curve Hypothesis of Publicly Listed Electronics Firms in Taiwan. 2007 China Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting and Academic Conference, jointly held by Tunghai University, Yuanpei University of Medical Technology and Takming College of Science and Technology, Jun. 9, 2007 (in Chinese).
Yen, Y. Y., Chung, K. C.*, Shiue, F. J., and Huang, H. C. (2007). An Empirical Study of Investments in China against Performance: Evidence from Taiwan’s Electronics Industry. 2007 Taiwan Finance Association Annual Meeting and Academic Conference, jointly held by Providence University, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Feng Chia University, Tunghai University, National Chung Hsing University, National Chi Nan University, Chaoyang University of Technology etc., Jun. 8-9, 2007 (in Chinese).
Shiue, F. J., Huang, H. C., Yen, Y. Y., and Chung, K. C.* (2006). Industrial Clustering and Corporate Performance: An Empirical Study of Taiwan IT Companies Listed on the TSEC and OTC to Invest in China. 2006 Chinese Society for Management of Technology Annual Meeting and Thesis Conference, National Tsing Hua University, Dec. 8-9, 2006 (in Chinese).
Shiue, F. J., Huang, H. C., Chung, K. C., and Yen, Y. Y.* (2006). Industrial Clustering and Performance: An Empirical Study of Taiwanese Firm’s Investment in China. 2006 Accounting Theory and Practice Conference, Soochow University, Nov. 23-24, 2006 (in Chinese).
Chen, L. W., Yen, Y. Y., and Hsieh, C. T. (2006). What Determines the Stock Price and the Informative Efficiency: The Omitted Information Frequency. The 6th Global Conference on Business and Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A. Oct. 15-17, 2006.
Yen, Y. Y., and Chung, K. C. (2006). The Competitive Advantage Analysis of Industry Development and Opportunity of Semiconductor Industry in Taiwan. The 2th Industrial Management Academic Conference, Hsuan Chuang University, Oct. 14, 2006 (in Chinese).
Shiue, F. J., Yen, Y. Y., and Chung, K. C. (2006). An Empirical Study between Performance and Investments in China: Evidence from Taiwan’s Electronics Industry. 2006 Hawaii International Conference on Business, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. May 25 -28, 2006.
Chung, K. C.*, and Yen, Y. Y. (2006). The Competitive Advantage Analysis of Industry Development of High-Tech Industry: A Case Study of Semiconductor Industry in Taiwan. 2006 “Business Project Program” for Education and “Management” Academic Thesis Conference, Nanya Institute of Technology, May 10, 2006 (in Chinese).
Shiue, F. J., and Yen, Y. Y. *(2006). An Empirical Examination of the Association between Manufacturing Decisions and Performance Evaluation: Evidences from Taiwanese Listed Electronic Firms. The 8th International Conference on Multinational Enterprises, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan. Mar. 14-16, 2006.
Yen, Y. Y.*, and Chung, K. C. (2005). An Empirical Study on the Association between China Investment Location and Financial and Operating Performance of Taiwanese Listing Electronics Corporations. BAI 2005 International Conference on Business and Information, Hong Kong, Jul. 14-15, 2005.
Shiue, F. J., Huang, H. C., and Yen, Y. Y.* (2005). The Impact of Investment in China on the Financial Performance of Electronic Companies in Taiwan. 2005 Globalization and Economic and Trade Development Academic Conference, Shih Chien University, Taipei, Jun. 25, 2005 (in Chinese).
Shiue, F. J., Huang, H. C., and Yen, Y. Y.* (2005). The Impact of Investment in China on the Performance of Electronic Companies in Taiwan. 2005 Cross-Straits Business Theory and Practice Conference, Chung Yuan Christian University, Sep. 23, 2005 (in Chinese).
(32) Lee, J. Z.*, and Yen, Y. Y. (2003). Empirical Assessment of the Determinants of the Project -Audit Fees on the Internal Control Systems for Initial Public Offering Companies. 2003 China Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting and Academic Conference, Yuanpei College of Medical Technology, Jun. 28, 2003 (in Chinese).
Yen, Y. Y. (2005). The Association between Investment Configuration in China and Performance of Electronic Companies Listed in Taiwan: An Empirical Study (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation) (in Chinese), National Taipei University.
Yen, Y. Y. (1997).The Impact of Taiwan Seasoned Equity Offerings on Capital Budgeting and Performance (Unpublished Master’s Thesis) (in Chinese), National Dong Hwa University.